BAPTISM AND CHRISTENING are two different words that mean the same thing

Thank you for enquiring about a baptism service.  We want you to have a lovely and meaningful service for you and your family and hope that the following questions will help you. 


Baptisms are normally held at 12.30pm or can be during the main Sunday service at any of our churches.  We normally only have one such service each month, and usually on the 4th Sunday of the month.


The following information is assuming that you are interested in having a baby or young child Christened.  


Please fill in this form and we will contact you as soon as possible. 

Someone will arrange for a visit to talk about what it means to have a Christening.   They will watch a short video with you that explains what baptism is all about, have a brief chat about the service and the promises you will be making.



As being baptised is about becoming a member of the church and to help everyone get the most out of the service we like the parents to come to church on a Sunday to worship with us before the service, if at all possible.    This will help you to become more familiar with the church building and people and to think through for yourself what the Christian faith is and where you are on your journey of faith.




It is usual to have 3 Godparents (2 of the same sex as the child and 1 of the opposite).  They must have been Baptised (Christened) and preferably be Confirmed.  As they will be making promises and saying they also believe in the Christian faith, and that they will help your child develop and grow in faith, they should also be over 16 years old. 


Baptism is the start of a journey of faith that we hope our child will continue on.  We pray that they will come to have this faith for themselves, and come to know Jesus as their friend for life.

 WHAT ABOUT BAPTISM FOR SOMEONE WHO IS NOT A CHILD?   If you were not Christened as a child and want to be, then the preparation still applies, the presiding minister will also want to have a conversation with you to help you explore and consider if this important step is right for you at this time.